Archive for the tag: need

Everything You Need To Know About Buying Yogurt – Greek, Organic, Grassfed, & More

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I went to the yogurt aisle at the grocery store to tell you what types of yogurt to buy, and which ones to avoid. All of the info is down below. There are so many yogurt options at the grocery store, many of which are loaded with added sugar and have very little health benefits. I would highly recommend only buying organic, 100% grass-fed greek style yogurt. What aisle of the grocery store next??? Let us know! Mad Love..Bobby…Dessi…Art…and Baby Flav XOXO

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Why I recommend buying Organic, 100% grass-fed greek yogurt:
Grass-fed means the cows never ate any grains, especially gmo corn and soy. This makes the nutrition way higher than convectional dairy. Organic yogurt has 62% more omega 3 fatty acids than traditional yogurt, bc corn and soy inhibit omega 3 productions. And promote omega 6..the bad one. This is even higher in 100% grass-fed yogurt. Grass fed yogurt is up to five times higher in conjugated linoleic acid than that from cows fed grains year-round.

Greek yogurt has twice the amount of protein from regular yogurt, bc it’s strained. It’s more expensive bc it takes 4 cups of milk to make 1 cup of Greek opposed to 1:1..Higher is protein and lower in sugar, bc the some of lactose is strained away. It makes you feel fuller for longer, bc of the combo of fat and protein..stay away from low/no fat yogurt

My fav brands of organic yogurt:
Stonyfeld organic 100% grass-fed Greek yogurt
Organic valley 100% grass-fed plain yogurt
Nancy’s probiotic 100% grassfed whole milk yogurt

My fav non-dairy yogurt:
Forager cashew yogurt
Kite hill almond milk yogurt

My fav organic kefir:
Maple hill organic whole milk kefir, 100% grass-fed
Red wood hill farm goat kefir, 100% grass-fed

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In this session, we’re taking taco night to the next level with these mouthwatering vegetarian tacos. Packed with protein-rich black beans, zesty spices, and all your favorite toppings, these tacos are guaranteed to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.

Whether you’re a meat lover looking to switch things up or a dedicated plant-based eater, these tacos are perfect for everyone. Plus, they’re quick, easy, and incredibly delicious—perfect for busy weeknights or lazy weekends.

If you like what you see and need more healthy food ideas, be sure to grab one (or both) of my cookbooks on Amazon. They will not let you down! Check them out here:

Pollakiuria: need of frequent urination

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Pollakiuria: need of frequent urination

The term Pollakiuria comes from ancient greek and indicates the need to urinate very often.
What are the causes of this disorder?
Urinary infections, urinary stones, cystitis, pain and spasmodic contraction of the bladder muscles, etc..
In woman hormones can affect the frequency of urination for example during pregnancy or during menopause.
Diabetes and mental illness can increase the number of urination as well.
In this video we suggest some of the most apropriate solutions to deal with this disorder. — Med4Care English website. — Our italian article about Pollakiuria.
Video Rating: / 5

Is your child peeing a lot? Is he/she visiting the bathroom frequently? It could be a case of an overactive bladder which can results in frequent urination. This video will give you all the important information about frequent urination in kids, including it’s causes, signs and remedies.

You might have observed that your child demands a lot of pee breaks at public placed without being able to control, the urge to pee. Instead of showing your anger to them, you, as parents, should try to figure out why this is happening. There can be various causes that can trigger such kind of situation.

While frequent urination is not always a serious problem, it isn’t quite normal either. You must consider visiting your child’s paediatrician if this condition does not reduce or phase away. Certain preventive measures can be taken to control your child’s overactive bladder to lessen the chances of frequent urination.

Check out this video to know more.

#FrequentUrinationInKids #FrequentUrinationInChildren

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Any information provided in this video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctor or any health professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.